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时间:2020-10-20 09:50来源:中国冷冻网 作者:嵊州市凯翔制冷设 点击:

农机购置补贴的标准和范围是怎样的?春耕备耕、三夏、秋收冬播生产是农机事故高发期,安全生产如何放在第一位?是节目中大家做关注的话题。 本文来自中国冷冻网:www.lengdongwang.cn






一、报废更新补贴实施范围和补贴对象是什么? 嵊州市凯翔制冷设备有限公司

农机报废更新补贴政策在全省所有农业县(市、区)和地方垦区农场范围内实施。补贴对象为从事农业生产的个人和农业生产经营组织,农业生产经营组织包括农村集体经济组织、农民专业合作经济组织、农业企业和其他从事农业生产经营的组织。 嵊州市凯翔制冷设备有限公司





(1)达到报废年限的。参照相关农业机械禁用与报废标准,拖拉机(小型10年、大中型15年、履带式12年)、联合收割机(自走式12年、悬挂式10年)、水稻插秧机(手扶式8年、乘坐式10年)、机动喷雾(粉)机10年、机动脱粒机8年、饲料(草)粉碎机(配套动力≤18kW的 10年、配套动力>18kW的12年)、铡草机10年。






(4)预计大修费用大于同类新产品50%的。 买制冷设备,冷冻冷藏食品就上冷冻网!

(5)未达到报废年限,但技术状况差且无配件来源的。 https://www.lengdongwang.cn

(6)国家明令淘汰的。 https://www.lengdongwang.cn



根据农业农村部办公厅、财政部办公厅和商务部办公厅印发的《农业机械报废更新补贴实施指导意见》规定,农机报废更新补贴资金从当年中央财政拨付的农机购置补贴资金中安排。各地可结合实际,设置个人和农业生产经营组织年度内享受报废补贴的农机数量上限。县级农业农村(农机)部门根据本地购置补贴资金总量、农机保有量及装备结构情况,按照报废补贴机具总量不超过购置补贴机具总量的原则,合理确定农机报废资金在购机补贴资金中的比例,以兼顾当地农机从业者的报废和新购机需求。 https://www.lengdongwang.cn

四、申报办理农机报废更新补贴的机具有什么要求? 买制冷设备,冷冻冷藏食品就上冷冻网!










热点话题2:春耕备耕、三夏、秋收冬播生产是农机事故高发期,安全生产如何放在第一位? https://www.lengdongwang.cn



二是课,就是上好安全教育课。变型拖拉机驾驶员普遍缺乏道路交通法规意识和常识。各地要按照“一人不落、一机不少”的原则,每年都要对在用的变型拖拉机所有人进行安全教育培训,特别强调“严禁违法载人”的禁令,并签订安全生产责任书。 买制冷设备,冷冻冷藏食品就上冷冻网!

三是检,就是必须上线检测。坚持变型拖拉机年检必须上机动车的社会检测线,进行严格的技术设备检验。检验不合格的一律不得签章和发放检验合格标志。 买制冷设备,冷冻冷藏食品就上冷冻网!

四是险,就是购买保险。所有在用的变型拖拉机必须办理交强险,各地可以结合本地实际,要求机手配套购买商业险或互助险,最大限度地提高变型拖拉机事故风险保障水平,不能让变型拖拉机在路上“裸奔”。 内容来自冷冻网

五是查,就是执法检查和工作督查。变型拖拉机违法违章行为主要发生在路上,执法权在交警,事故统计在机动车道路事故中。各地要发挥好各级安委会的协调作用,开展“警监联勤”执法活动和部门联合行动,确保有人管并管得住,消灭变型拖拉机长期存在的监管盲区。特别是要突出抓好假牌、套牌和跨区域流动的变型拖拉机执法检查和案件查处。各地要发挥好各级纪委监委的监督作用,加强对各部门工作督导检查,各县市区要加强对辖区的工作督导检查,特别是对变型拖拉机保有量大的地区,要跟踪监管、重点指导。全市将随机组织明察暗访,督促各地真抓实干,并定期通报各地整治工作情况。对专项整治工作不力的、问题突出的,要及时函询和约谈,责成限期整改。要运用好执法检查和工作督查成果,市安委会已把变型拖拉机整治纳入对地方政府安全生产年度考核的指标体系,对整治不力,目标未完成的,坚决扣分减分。 本文来自中国冷冻网:www.lengdongwang.cn

六是网,就是网格管理和网络管理。各地要通过地方安委会,把变型拖拉机整治纳入基层网格员的安全网格管理职责,填补乡村农机安全监管的“空白地带”。每一台变型拖拉机都要在全国变型拖拉机专网中列管,在完成所有清零手续后,再从专网中清除销号,确保每一台变型拖拉机都不遗漏。 找冷冻冷藏食品,制冷设备就上中国冷冻网


What is agricultural machinery subsidy?
In fact, agricultural machinery subsidy is the purchase subsidy of agricultural machinery, also known as agricultural machinery purchase subsidy. This subsidy is a subsidy given by the state to individual farmers, farm workers, agricultural machinery households and agricultural machinery operation service organizations directly engaged in agricultural production to purchase and update agricultural machinery required for agricultural production. It is formulated to promote and improve the level of agricultural mechanization and production efficiency in China.
Agricultural machinery subsidy was put forward and implemented in 2004. The fund of subsidy is generally arranged by central finance and provincial finance. In addition, this subsidy can only be used to purchase advanced and applicable agricultural machinery supported by the state, and there is no subsidy for agricultural machinery not within the specified scope.
On September 7, fan Yong, a fourth level researcher of Jingzhou agricultural and rural Bureau, led a team to visit the live studio of Xingfeng hotline. What is the standard and scope of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy? How to ensure the safety of production in spring and summer? It's a topic of concern in the program.
Policy interpretation
Hot topic 1: at present, one of the key tasks of the agricultural and rural departments is to fully implement the subsidy for purchasing agricultural machinery. What is the standard and scope of the subsidy?
1、 What is the scope and object of scrapping and updating subsidy?
The subsidy policy for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery is implemented in all agricultural counties (cities, districts) and local farms in the whole province. The subsidy objects are individuals and agricultural production and operation organizations engaged in agricultural production. Agricultural production and operation organizations include rural collective economic organizations, farmers' specialized cooperative economic organizations, agricultural enterprises and other organizations engaged in agricultural production and operation.
2、 Which agricultural machinery can apply for agricultural machinery scrapping and updating subsidies?
Subsidies for scrapped agricultural machinery include tractors, combine harvesters, rice transplanter, mobile spray (powder) machine, motor threshing machine, feed (grass) grinder, hay cutter and so on 7 types. One of the following conditions can be applied for scrapping:
(1) It has reached the end of life. Referring to the prohibition and abandonment standards of relevant agricultural machinery, tractors (small 10 years, large and medium-sized 15 years, crawler type 12 years), combine harvesters (self propelled type 12 years, suspended type 10 years), rice transplanter (8 years of hand-held type, 10 ride years), mobile spraying machine (10 years), machine threshing machine 8 years, feed (grass) grinder (supporting power less than 18kW) 10 years, 12 years of supporting power > 18kw), 10 years of hay cutter.
(2) The service life or accumulated working time is insufficient, and the safety technical requirements are still not met after maintenance, adjustment or replacement of vulnerable parts.
(3) Seriously damaged and irreparable due to various reasons.
(4) It is estimated that the overhaul cost is more than 50% of the same kind of new products.
(5) It is not up to the scrapping age, but the technical condition is poor and there is no source of accessories.
(6) It was officially eliminated by the state.
3、 What regulations does Hubei Province have on the total amount of subsidy funds for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery?
According to the "guiding opinions on the implementation of agricultural machinery scrapping and updating subsidy" issued by the general office of the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas, the general office of the Ministry of Finance and the general office of the Ministry of Commerce, the subsidy fund for scrapping and updating agricultural machinery shall be arranged from the subsidy Fund for purchasing agricultural machinery allocated by the central government in that year. Local governments can set the upper limit of the number of agricultural machinery that individuals and agricultural production and operation organizations can enjoy scrapping subsidies in the year. The County-Level Agricultural and rural (agricultural machinery) departments shall reasonably determine the proportion of agricultural machinery scrapped funds in the subsidy funds for purchasing machinery according to the total amount of local purchase subsidy funds, the amount of agricultural machinery and equipment structure, and the principle that the total amount of scrapped subsidized machines and tools does not exceed the total amount of purchased subsidized machines, so as to take into account the scrapping and new purchasing demands of local agricultural machinery practitioners.
4、 What are the requirements for the machines and tools that apply for agricultural machinery scrapping and renewal subsidies?
The sources of machines and tools should be clear and legal. The agricultural machinery included in the license management needs to be provided with the license plate issued by the supervision organization. If there is no license plate or is not included in the management of the license plate, the identification information of the machinery such as the name plate or the factory number, frame number, etc. shall be provided. The machine mainly makes a written commitment to the source and ownership of machines and tools. It can be divided into three types
(1) . types with complete certificates. It mainly refers to the tractors and combine harvesters registered in the County-Level Agricultural and rural (agricultural machinery) departments, and certificates such as the registration certificate, agricultural machinery brand certificate, identity certificate and agricultural machinery origin commitment letter, which are submitted to the County-Level Agricultural and rural (agricultural machinery) department for scrapping.
(2) Type of invoice complete. Tractor, combine harvester, rice transplanter, mobile spray (powder) machine, motor threshing machine, feed (grass) grinder and hay cutter machine owner, according to the original purchase invoice, agricultural machinery commitment letter to the county agricultural, rural (farm machinery) departments to apply for scrap application.
(3) Types of other situations. If the agricultural machinery to be scrapped does not have the above two kinds of data, but has ever handled the purchase subsidy in the local agricultural and rural (agricultural machinery) department or registered in the agricultural machinery safety supervision organization, the scrapping application can be submitted based on the commitment letter of origin of agricultural machinery and the processing data of purchase subsidies or the filing data of agricultural machinery safety supervision. Refitting, assembling, unknown origin, no name plate, no factory number, no frame number of machines and tools will not be accepted.
Hot topic 2: spring ploughing preparation, three summer harvest, autumn harvest and winter sowing are the high incidence period of agricultural machinery accidents. How to put safety production in the first place?
One is the limitation, that is, to clear and cancel the number within the time limit. According to the standard of scrapping and returning, make the schedule of clearing and cancellation, decompose the total amount into the annual plan, decompose it to the countryside and the manipulator, and arrange the construction period in reverse
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